Giving back
by saving lives
The Ukrainian-American Blood Drive aims to break the existing U.S. record for units of blood donated in a single blood drive.
This campaign is a gesture of gratitude from Ukrainians and Ukrainian-Americans to the people of the United States for the substantial aid and support provided to Ukraine for their fight against the Russian invasion.
While aid and support from the U.S have saved countless Ukrainian lives, Ukrainians in the United Stats and the Ukrainian-American diaspora wish to reciprocate by donating blood that will save American lives.
Learn more about our impact:
Our purpose is clear
To demonstrate Ukrainians’ gratitude to the United States for the vital aid it has provided to Ukraine
Our goal is ambitious
To set a new U.S. record for the most blood units donated in a single blood collection campaign. The current record is 17,490.
Our strategy is simple
Inspire local Ukrainian-American organizations (community groups, faith-based entities, Ukrainian restaurants, etc) to host a blood drive at a venue they can provide and a time of their choosing.
American Red Cross Area Managers in every metropolitan area, already familiar with the overall project, are standing by to coordinate with these organizations, which we are calling Participating Organizations. Once a time and place is set, the American Red Cross will come in with their equipment and staff to facilitate the blood drive.
Note: the American Red Cross is NOT connected to the International Red Cross, and is an entirely separate entity.
Get involved
To organize an event under the Ukrainian-American Blood Drive, visit the American Red Cross - How to Plan a Blood Drive website. Use code “UKRAINE” to have your blood drive count toward this initiative. For questions, contact us using the form below.